7 Steps to a Language-Rich Classroom
During the 2023-2024 school year, the Secondary ESL Instructional Team will focus on supporting teachers in implementing the "7 Steps to a Language-Rich Classroom." These steps from from the book with the same title from Seidlitz Education.
Throughout the year, we will present ideas and strategies from this book during our monthly professional learning sessions. In addition, we presented these steps during the Elevate conference in August. Feel free to review the Prezi below from our session in August.
Reach out to an Instructional Specialist if you have questions about the 7 Steps!
Prezi from August PD
Supporting Steps 1 & 2
Steps 1 and 2, focused on giving students alternatives to "I don't know" and encouraging them to speak in complete sentences, can be supported with visual reminders in the classroom. Feel free to use these two posters to encourage students to use complete sentences in English for common classroom purposes.
Feel free to also personalize your posters and anchor charts!
👈 Take a look at these designs for "No I Don't Know" posters created by Liliana Tavarez at Midland Freshman HS! Feel free to use them in your classroom, or use them for inspiration for your own personalied designs!
To learn more about the 7 Steps to a Language-Rich Interactive Classroom, check out this interview with John Seidlitz, co-author and founder of Seidlitz Education.