Assessment Decision LPAC
Follow this checklist to achieve perfect Assessment Decision LPACs.
Step 1. Assign Recommendation Forms to Teachers
1) Prepare content area teachers by informing them that they will soon be receiving forms to get their recommendations for Designated Supports.
2) Go into the 2024 Assessment Decision LPAC Dashboard.
3) Click on the Grade Level Tile that you want to do first. It will open up those students in a student list.
4) Select all students making sure you click on the "select all" link if you have more than 25. Click on edit, and "Assign Form" then click on the first test for
that grade. Repeat for any other tests.
5) After you have assigned all forms, identify classrooms with associate teachers or long-term subs. You may have to either assign forms manually or
print the new Forms for Subs.
Continue to Step 2
Step 2. Monitoring the Monitor Recommendation Forms
1) Making sure that forms are submitted is crucial to having a smooth LPAC. Go into the Monitoring "Bird's Eye View"
2) Remind teachers to submit forms as needed. When all forms are submitted, you are ready to LPAC.
Continue to Step 3
Part 3. Perform Assessment Decision LPACs
1) It is best to perform LPACs by grade level with each grade level LPAC member.
2) Remember the assessment dashboard? Go into the 2024 Assessment Decision LPAC Dashboard.
3) Call in the first teacher and click on his/her grade level tile. * The students will open up in the student list again. Select all students making sure you click
on the "select all" link if you have more than 25. Click on edit, and "Schedule/Perform LPACs" How? Click on 2024 Assessment Decision LPAC.
Schedule or perform the LPAC. Go over recommendations, approve or reject, and edit if needed.
4) Finalize and e-sign the LPAC.
5) Print the LPAC minutes and have all members sign. Give a copy of the minutes to your Campus Testing Coordinator. Submit your signed minutes to the
If you are at a campus with a small number of EBs and have limited LPAC members, the same teacher can sign for all students as long as forms are submitted.